Business Support

Business Support

Town staff is here to help

Smooth Rock Falls is business ready. It is offering new businesses a variety of generous financial incentives including competitive tax incentives and program grants.

Smooth Rock Falls has a forward-thinking leadership team that is known for effective decision-making and we pride ourselves on our willingness to develop and try new ideas. When we developed our Community Improvement Plan, we considered all of the social, community and economic conditions required to make Smooth Rock Falls a vibrant and prosperous community.

For business support, please contact Shannon Michaud at the Town of Smooth Rock Falls.

Town of Smooth Rock Falls
Shannon Piper

Tel: 705-338-2717 ext. 8

Send an Email

Financial incentives

Smooth Rock Falls’ financial incentives are generous, varied and far-reaching and include both residential, commercial and industrial. Highlights include:

  • Land offered for up to 90 per cent below market value; serviced land in town and on the golf course can be purchased for $500.
  • Enormous tax breaks for new homeowners over three years: 100 per cent the first year, 75 per cent the second year and 25 per cent the third year.
  • Economic development incentives for business owners: loans or grants up to a maximum of 15 per cent of eligible costs, up to a maximum of a million dollars.
  • Loan guarantees for residential and non-residential construction projects up to 50 per cent of construction costs: up to a maximum of $100,000 for residential and $500,000 for non-residential projects.
  • A generous Tax Increment Grant Program for businesses, including: a 75 per cent rebate in year one, 50 per cent rebate in year two and 25 per cent rebate in year three.

There are also several government funding programs that could be leveraged pending approval. The Town municipal staff can help you determine which one or ones would be appropriate based on your needs and situation, and can help you some of the paperwork.

The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) is a crown corporation and development agency of the Ontario government that invests in northern businesses and municipalities through conditional contributions, forgivable performance loans, incentive term loans and loan guarantees.

Ontario’s Rural Economic Development (RED) program helps rural communities remove barriers to community economic development. With the support of the program, rural communities are better positioned to attract investment, create jobs, enhance economic growth and make everyday life easier for rural Ontarians.

Statistics & research

The Town of Smooth Rock Falls is here to help businesses and to provide existing and potential businesses the best possible information on Smooth Rock Falls and area. We have available, at no cost, up-to-date statistics on demographics, economic makeup, education/skill levels, infrastructure, situational analysis, etc. The Town has undertaken a number of strategies that identify investment opportunities in specific sectors:

  • Agriculture
  • Tourism
  • Food service
  • Mechanical and other technology
  • Forestry
  • Mining

These are areas where the economy is growing and are either export-based or providing products or services that are currently underserved in the region.

Starting or expanding a business

The Town of Smooth Rock Falls with the assistance of the Ministry of Northern Development & Mines Business Consulting Services can help.

Small Business Enterprise Centres

Small Business Enterprise Centres (SBECs) focus on providing support to start-up and small enterprises during their first five years of operation. Entrepreneurs are provided with easy access to business consulting services and information covering management, marketing, technology and financing. The Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (MNDM) supports 7 SBECs in Northern Ontario.

What the program offers

Ministry staff provide information and advice in areas such as:

  • Strategic business planning
  • Sourcing new ideas, products and services
  • Adopting new technology to increase profits and reduce costs
  • Developing domestic and export markets
  • Business financing
  • Improving competitiveness
  • Managing growth
  • Accessing federal, provincial and municipal programs
  • Identifying emerging markets and development opportunities
  • Preparing business development strategies
  • Networking to enhance competitiveness and profitability
More information

These services complement those of the Small Business Enterprise Centres which help new and recently established businesses.

For help in Smooth Rock Falls

Tel: 705-360-2656
Tel: 877-470-8332

Send an Email

Timmins Economic Development Corporation
Click the link to the TEDC website for more business startup information.
Business Support
Financial Incentives
Statistics & Research
Starting or Expanding a Business

How can we help?

News & Notices
1 - Living Here
2 - Doing Business
3 - Visiting Here
4 - Municipal Services
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News & Notices

Doing Business in Town

Business Support

Want us to get in touch with you about doing business in Smooth Rock Falls? Simply complete the form below and we will be in touch.

Community Suggestions

We want to hear from you!

Do you have a suggestion on how to make Smooth Rock Falls an even greater place to live? What can be improved in our community? Fill out this interactive form and it will be submitted for potential review at an upcoming council meeting.