

Town of Smooth Rock Falls commitment

We are committed to meeting accessibility needs for people in a timely manner so that everyone may have equal access to Town programs, goods, services, and facilities in a way that respects their dignity and independence.

Accessibility is the Ability to Access, and everyone has that right.

Feedback policy

Any information can be provided in an Accessible alternate format upon request. We encourage feedback from individuals and will ensure, as much as possible, that the communication process will be carried out in an accessible manner that will meet the needs of the individual.

Accessibility act

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, AODA, is provincial legislation that was enacted into law in 2005. Under the AODA, all private, public, and non-profit organizations are legally obligated to comply with Customer Service and Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation.

For more information on the AODA and the regulations, please click here. Download town policies from one of the boxes found below. All documents will be provided in an accessible format upon request.


How can we help?

News & Notices
1 - Living Here
2 - Doing Business
3 - Visiting Here
4 - Municipal Services
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News & Notices

Community Suggestions

We want to hear from you!

Do you have a suggestion on how to make Smooth Rock Falls an even greater place to live? What can be improved in our community? Fill out this interactive form and it will be submitted for potential review at an upcoming council meeting.