Building & Renovations

Building & Renovations

Building in Smooth Rock Falls

We are here to make the building process easy. We like to walk all our clients through their process step by step. Please visit us at the Town Hall offices and we would be happy to help you.

Town Hall

142 First Avenue, PO Box 249
Smooth Rock Falls, ON P0L 2B0

Tel: 705-338-2717 
Fax: 705-338-2584

Send an Email

Before YOu Dig

If you are planning to dig, build or excavate on your property, it is important you locate all of your utilities first. It is the law under Ontario legislation.

Ontario One Call

Responds to excavation locate requests and notifies registered owners of underground facilities within the vicinity of the dig-site of the planned excavation.

Call at least one week before you plan to dig to be sure you get the information you need in time.

Remember to obtain the necessary permits before you start any work.

Ontario One Call

Tel: 800-400-2255

Building or Demolition Permits

If you are building or renovating in The Town of Smooth Rock Falls you may need to obtain a Building Permit, please complete the permit application form below.

If you have any questions, please contact the Town Hall.

Building Permit Information

Building Permits are required for most residential work and all commercial/industrial work. For more information about your specific project contact RSM our Chief Building Officials via:

Town Hall

142 First Avenue, PO Box 249
Smooth Rock Falls, ON P0L 2B0

Tel: 705-338-2717 

Send an Email

Apply For a permit online

The Town of Smooth Rock Falls has contracted Cloudpermit to provide an online building permit application service to residents and contractors. Click Apply for a Building Permit to get started.

If you haven’t used Cloudpermit before you will need to provide your personal information to create an account. Once you are set up you can behind filling out your application.

Did you know?

Cloudpermit allows you to apply for and check the status of your application anywhere, and any time. You can start an application and finish it later, receive email updates on the status of your permit application and even request building inspections

No computer? No problem!

You can fill out an application on your mobile device, tablet, or in person at the Town Hall. You can fill out an application on your mobile device, tablet, or in person at the Town Hall.

Additional Links
Cloudpermit website
Click the link to apply for a permit online.

For support on how to submit a Building Permit Application through CloudPermit, please watch the following video:

Building Permit FAQs

What construction projects need building permits?

To find out what requires a Building Permit, please see the following documents.

NOTE: Remember you still must comply with zoning requirements, regardless of the need to obtain a building permit.

How much does a building permit cost?

The cost of a building permit varies by the type of property and the nature of the work being done.

Once we have received your application we will calculate the fees payable for your project.

Please remember that you must obtain a building permit before you start any work, if you start work without a permit your permit fees may be doubled and you may receive a fine.

Rules & regulation

You must comply with municipal by-laws, including the Building By-law, Zoning By-law and the Swimming Pool By-law. 

When your building permit application has been approved, you will receive a building permit which you must display at the place of work. Inspections will be required for most projects, and will be indicated on the permit. When you are ready for an inspection please contact the Town Office to schedule a visit from the Building Inspector. Please note that two full business days notice is required for building inspections. It is important that you do not cover up any work before it has been inspected, as you may be required to uncover it for inspection by the Building Inspector at your own expense.

If you are digging or excavating you are required to locate underground utilities and pipes prior to digging.

Building Bylaw


Swimming Pool Bylaw


Zoning Bylaw


Fence Building Tips
Town Hall

142 First Avenue, PO Box 249
Smooth Rock Falls, ON P0L 2B0

Tel: 705-338-2717 ext. 3
Fax: 705-338-2584

Send an Email

provincial laws

You must also comply with provincial law, including the Building Code Act and the Ontario Building Code Regulations.

Building Code Act
Click the link to visit the Government of Ontario's website.
ONtario Building Code Regulations
Click the link to visit the Government of Ontario's website.
Before You Dig
Building or Demolition Permits
Apply Online
Permit FAQs
Rules & Regulations

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Do you have a suggestion on how to make Smooth Rock Falls an even greater place to live? What can be improved in our community? Fill out this interactive form and it will be submitted for potential review at an upcoming council meeting.