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Road Construction Crews Continue With Road Project

Work continues with the current road project on Main Street, Dupont Street, Kelly Road, and Catherine Street over the upcoming weekend.
August 14, 2023

Corporation of the Town of Smooth Rock Falls

Attention residents

Town Hall is aware some residents may be experiencing discoloured water. Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) has been contacted and is currently developing a plan to perform watermain flushing within the municipality in the coming days to perform flushing of the lines.

Over time, minerals and sediments buildup in the watermains which can lead to discoloured water, and at times present as sediment in water delivered to a household. Flushing the watermains removes natural build-up of scale and sediments from water and assists in improving pressure, flow and potential water quality issues like colour. This work ensures our continued commitment to service delivery of clean and safe drinking water.

An update will be provided when flushing is to be expected. Please be advised you may experience pressure changes during the flushing activity.


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Do you have a suggestion on how to make Smooth Rock Falls an even greater place to live? What can be improved in our community? Fill out this interactive form and it will be submitted for potential review at an upcoming council meeting.