Attention residents
Snow must never be placed onto the street or sidewalk or moved off of private property onto a roadway, sidewalk or other public area unless it is an approved snow dump location. Moving snow from your driveway onto the sidewalk or road can create various safety hazards, obstruct pedestrian traffic, or obstruct the view of drivers. It is illegal to push snow across a road or street onto the other side, these are all violations under the Highway Traffic Act. Even a small amount of snow left on a sidewalk can cause accessibility issues for some our residents.
Now that winter has arrived, it can be tricky to find enough space to pile the snow in ones yard. The Town’s snow removal program is designed to keep our roadways and roadsides as clear as possible. Residents who need to remove snow from their yards can use the Designated Snow Dump areas. There are also a number of local contractors that will remove snow for a fee.
It is also important that residents adhere to the winter parking by-law to assist our Public Works Department during snow removal.
During the period of November 1st to April 30th of each calendar year, no one shall park a motor vehicle between the hours of 12:00 am and 7:00 am, during regular snow clearing operations, during pre-scheduled snow removal operations or in a manner which causes an obstruction.
Do you have a suggestion on how to make Smooth Rock Falls an even greater place to live? What can be improved in our community? Fill out this interactive form and it will be submitted for potential review at an upcoming council meeting.