Town Council
This page is dedicated to everything you need to know about town council.

Keeping the town updated

The Town of Smooth Rock Falls council includes the Mayor and Councillors. These special people are responsible for the governing of the community and making decisions that help drive the Town of Smooth Rock Falls forward. 

To learn more about each council member and committees, simply use the anchor buttons or scroll down to view each section.

Meetings & more

Aiming to get our community engaged with what is going on at Town Hall, we are pleased to introduce our CivicWeb Portal. The portal increases transparency by enabling our citizens to learn about meetings, search for documents, view reports, and more!

2025 Council Meetings
Council meetings are held in the Town Hall Council Chambers
Town Hall

142 First Avenue, PO Box 249
Smooth Rock Falls, ON P0L 2B0

Tel: 705-338-2717

Send an Email

CivicWeb Portal
Access Town of Smooth Rock Falls meetings, documents, reports, and more.
2024 Council Meetings
Council meetings are held in the Town Hall Council Chambers

Council Access

Contact Patrick

142 First Avenue, PO Box 249
Smooth Rock Falls, ON P0L 2B0

Tel: 705-338-2717

Email Patrick

Patrick Roberts


I would like to Welcome Everyone to Smooth Rock Falls (SRF) where we are a small diverse and bilingual community with a New Beginning that is Open for Business. You can expect to be able to speak French almost every where you visit. I came to SRF in June 2018, not knowing anyone in the community and won a seat from the 2018 – 2022 term. After four years of experience as a Councillor I decided to run for Mayor and won in a tight race. I am truly honoured to be Mayor of a town that I have grown to love and be accepted by the town residents.

I came from Windsor Ontario where I have 2 wonderful daughters and son. I retired in January 2009 and started an Autism Soccer League which grew to thousands of families and players over 12 years. I have been a soccer Coach for close to 20 years.

I enjoy everything SRF has to offer as I ride my ATV or Skidoo around most of the time conversing with residents to find out what they want to see in Smooth Rock Falls and how we can try to achieve them.

What I love most about Smooth Rock Falls are the people. They have been so welcoming and friendly. I have felt very comfortable and accepted since I have moved here. I love working with the kids and the spirit of volunteerism that is alive in Town. I am very proud to be part of Smooth Rock Falls.

Contact Daniel

142 First Avenue, PO Box 249
Smooth Rock Falls, ON P0L 2B0

Tel: 705-338-2717

Email Daniel

Daniel Alie


Being born and raised in Smooth Rock Falls, I have developed a deep understanding and love for the culture and people within the community. I left Smooth Rock Falls for a few years to pursue a degree in Electrical Engineering at Lakehead University. Once I finished my studies, I worked in Geraldton, Ontario for a year and then finally returned to Smooth Rock Falls.

In 2006, I joined the Smooth Rock Falls Economic Development Corporation (SRFEDC) to revitalize the old mill site by securing wood rights and assets in order to continue the growth of Smooth Rock Fall’s economic stimulus. Although I was not successful in obtaining the wood rights, my efforts allowed the Municipality and SRFEDC to secure funding in order to explore other economic stimulus projects.

I was first elected to Municipal Council during the 2010 to 2014 term and was re-elected in the 2015 to 2019 term. I am currently a Board Member at the SRFEDC and the Chairman of the Pride and Booster Committee.

The Smooth Truck Fest is the biggest annual event for Smooth Rock Falls where past and present residents and visitors come together and have fun and I am proud to have volunteered at this event since its inception in 2006.

I have also been a member of the Smooth Rock Falls Chamber of Commerce, the Local Citizen Committee and am a past President of the SRFEDC.

Through these wonderful opportunities, I have gained extensive experience in managing assets, projects and people in both the private and public sector. I always look forward to working with municipal staff, members of the public, the private sector and business owners who have an interest in development opportunities as well as an interest in improving the process and reducing the cost of services provided to our residents.

Contact Leslie

142 First Avenue, PO Box 249
Smooth Rock Falls, ON P0L 2B0

Tel: 705-338-2717

Email Leslie

Leslie Gagnon


I was born and raised in Smooth Rock Falls. I have 3 siblings, 2 whom still reside in Smooth Rock Falls. I married my husband Denis Gagnon 39 years ago where his family was born and raised here as well. We have 2 sons, a daughter in-law and 2 wonderful grandsons.

As a child my parents were very strong in having us participate in all town activities. We participated in the swim team diving, figure skating, baseball, Labour Day activities, Christmas March break activities, whatever was offered we went to. As an adult, my husband and I played baseball, bowled, curled and were part of the Departure Lake Camping committee. We were also active member of the Arctic Riders snowmobile club. As time went on, the boys became active in hockey. This in turn had Denis sign up to coach and was a trainer when they were in need. Hockey was a large part of our lives for many years. It created a family of new friends and kids.I see now that many of the kids are paying it forward to their children by either coaching or organizing activities to keep their children involved in community or other communities.

The past 4 years I have been organizing the Purse Project for the community. I collect shampoos, crème rinses, body washes, feminine hygiene products, socks, mitts, hair accessories, hairbrushes or money and we make up reusable bags with all these products. The Purse Project is a collaboration with the Lions Club where the purses get made by the demand and get delivered with their annual Christmas boxes.

I have been working in the public for 36 years and I have been active for my union for the past 15 years. I have been fortunate to meet and work with so many people throughout the years and will be retiring in April 2022 where I will become more active in the community as your Councillor.

Contact Denise

142 First Avenue, PO Box 249
Smooth Rock Falls, ON P0L 2B0

Tel: 705-338-2717

Email Denise

Denise Pelletier


I was born and raised in Smooth Rock Falls. I am married to Daniel Pelletier, and we are proud parents of two daughters and three beautiful grandchildren.

I’ve been employed with Caisse Populaire for 38 years. I was a councillor for the Town of Smooth Rock Falls in the 2008-2012 term and was a member of the Pride and Booster committee in the development of Smooth Truck Fest. My favourite past time is spending time with family, fishing and camping.

With my current/past experiences and sincere passion for my community, I look forward to continue making Smooth Rock Falls a great place to live for growing families and for our senior residents.

Contact Angele

142 First Avenue, PO Box 249
Smooth Rock Falls, ON P0L 2B0

Tel: 705-338-2717

Email Angele

Angele Rochon


My family roots have been here since 1924. My grandfather ‘s family moved here in 1924 and my grandmother’s family in 1926. My grandparents met in the 1930s and married in 1946. My mother was born and raised here. Her family had to move back to Montreal after my grandfather lost his job at the mill. As far as I can remember, I always wanted to move to Smooth Rock Falls. I feel that I belong here since my younger age.

I visited Smooth Rock Falls every summer from the age of 1 month to 20 years old. I met my husband Jean-Marc Berube on the SRF Golf Course in 2003 then moved here in 2004.

I am currently grade 4 teacher L’École Catholique Nouveau-Regard in Cochrane. I worked at the Early Years Centre for 5 years. As I was studying in Hearst University, I worked as an Intensive Behaviour Instructor (IBI) with children with autism for 6 years. I completed my first degree in psychology, then pursued to get my degree in Education. After completing my second degree, I enrolled myself at Ottawa University and I received my master’s degree in education in 2016.

I was the President of the Conversation Club from 2010-2011. I have been sitting on the Smooth Rock Falls Hospital Board the past 4 years; the past 2.5 years I have been Treasurer on the board and now I’m the Vice-President since June. I am currently the Director of the fundraising with Arctic Riders. This is my second year as President of the Pride and Booster Committee that takes care of the organization of Smooth Truck Fest. I was President of Smooth Rock Falls soccer/baseball from 2006-2008. I have and continue to be involved in my community and look forward to my next journey as a Councillor for the Town of Smooth Rock Falls.

Committees & Boards

Council operates on a Committee System structured as a whole. The committees review issues in a less formal meeting structure. After discussions, the committees then make recommendations to the Municipal Council in its formal embodiment, where the final vote is decided.

Committee & Boards application form

  • Councillor Leslie Gagnon
  • Public Member VACANCY
  • Public Member VACANCY

Are you interested to have your say with the beautification of Smooth Rock Falls? Become a member today by filling out this application.

  • All members of Council
  • Councillor Daniel Alie
  • Councillor Leslie Gagnon
  • Public Member VACANCY

Are you interested in the future planning of the Smooth Rock Falls Cemetery?  Fill out an application today.

  • Mayor Patrick Roberts
  • Key senior staff
  • Councillor Daniel Alie (Chairperson)
  • Mayor Patrick Roberts
  • Councillor Leslie Gagnon
  • Councillor Denise Pelletier

Click here to open up enhanced details of the Planning Board.

  • Councillor Daniel Alie
  • Councillor Denise Pelletier
  • Joe Couture
  • Kathy Taylor


Section 223.3 of the Municipal Act enables a municipality to appoint an Integrity Commissioner (IC) to address the application of the Code of Conduct for elected officials and/or members of local boards and committees.


The Integrity Commissioner is responsible to:

  • Provide information and direction to Committee and Council members on the “Code of Conduct” and the “Council – Staff Relations Policy”.
  • Coordinate education and procedural training on the policies, Code of Conduct and Municipal Conflict of Interest Act to Council, staff and members of the community.
  • Conduct investigations and provide reports on alleged breaches.
  • Provide annual reports to Council on any requests of the Integrity Commissioner.


Any person who has reasonable grounds to believe that a Member has breached a provision of the Code may file a complaint to either of the Town of Smooth Rock Falls Integrity Commissioners directly at this link here.


The Ombudsman of Ontario is an Officer of the Provincial Legislature who is independent of government and political parties. The Ombudsman’s job is to ensure government accountability through effective oversight of the administration of government services. The Ombudsman is appointed for a five-year renewable term and his powers and authorities are contained in legislation under the Ombudsman Act.


Elections for municipal government are held every four years on the fourth Monday of October. The 2022 municipal election was held on October 24, 2022. The four-year term of office for the current council and school board trustees begins November 15, 2022, and ends November 14, 2026.

For more information please contact the administration office at town hall.

Town Hall

142 First Avenue, PO Box 249
Smooth Rock Falls, ON P0L 2B0

Tel: 705-338-2717 ext. 5
Fax: 705-338-2584

Send an Email

Candidates Financial Statements

As per section 88 (9.1) of the Municipal Elections Act;

The clerk shall make the documents filed under sections 88.25, 88.29, and 88.32 available at no charge for viewing by the public on a website or in another electronic format as soon as possible after the documents are filed.

Committees & Boards

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News & Notices
1 - Living Here
2 - Doing Business
3 - Visiting Here
4 - Municipal Services
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News & Notices

Police Services Board

The finer details

The Smooth Rock Falls Police Services Board is a three member civilian body that oversees the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), Smooth Rock Falls Detachment.

The Board is responsible for setting the overall objectives and priorities for the provision of police service in the Municipality, after consultation with the Detachment Commander. It is also responsible for choosing and monitoring the performance of the Detachment Commander, overseeing the contract for service between the Municipality and the OPP, receiving monthly performance statistics of crime and prevention initiatives and for preparing a business plan.

The Smooth Rock Falls Police Services Board is comprised of a member of Council, a community member appointed by Council and a community member appointed by the province. The Police Services Board members are:

  • Mayor Patrick Roberts, Chairperson
  • Véronique Dion, Secretary Treasurer of the Board
  • Al Everett, Municipal Appointee

The Smooth Rock Falls Police Board is seeking a Provincial Appointee member.

For more information visit this click here:

Residents who are interested in the vacancy may do so through the Public Appointment Secretariat. For more information, contact Veronique Dion at 705-338-2717 ext. 7

Board meetings are held in the Council Chambers four times a year with the members as well as representatives from the OPP. Meetings are posted on Civic Web.

What is the police services board?

Every municipality in Ontario that receives, under contract, police service from the OPP has a choice under provisions of the Police Services Act to establish an independent civilian board to provide local governance. The Board represents Smooth Rock Falls’ interests towards effective and efficient police service and are accountable to the Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services and the Ontario Civilian Police Commission located in Toronto.

What does the police services board do?

Section 10 of Police Services Act sets out the responsibilities boards must fulfill on behalf of the residents of their municipality. The primary role of the board is to establish, in consultation with the Detachment Commander, the overall objectives and priorities for the provision of police services and the safety and security of citizens. Some of the other key responsibilities include:

  • Taking part in the selection of a Detachment Commander
  • Annually assessing the Detachment Commanders performance
  • Overseeing the contract for police service
  • Generally in consultation with the Detachment Commander, determining objectives and priorities for police service
  • Establishing local policies and protocols
  • Making recommendations to Council
  • Preparing a North Grenville Police Services Board business plan
  • Reviewing the Detachment Commander’s administration of the complaints system

The Board cannot direct the Detachment Commander with respect to specific operational decisions or day-to-day operations of the police service.

The Detachment Commander is responsible for administering the police service and overseeing its operation in accordance with the objectives, priorities and policies of the OPP, with adherence to local issues as brought forward by the Board.

Library Board

The finer details

Public Library Boards are governing boards; they are legal corporations with the authority to make policy and govern the Library’s affairs under the authority of the Public Libraries Act, RSO 1990, C. P. 44. The Library Board members are:

  • Joanne Landry
  • Leslie Gagnon, Councillor
  • Patrick Robert, Mayor
  • Kathy Taylor
  • Valerie Cloutier

The Library

If you wish to contact the Library Board committee or you would like to take part in an upcoming meeting please reach out to Lise Gagnon.

To find out more about the Smooth Rock Falls library, simply click here.

Smooth Rock Falls Public Library

120 Ross Street, PO Box 670
Smooth Rock Falls, ON P0L 2B0

Tel: 705-338-2318
Fax: 705-338-2330

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Planning Board

The finer details

Planning boards provide advice and assistance under the Planning Act on matters referred by municipal councils and by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The boards prepare official plans for these areas and, at the request of member council(s), for municipalities.

The board administers a site-specific zoning by-law, has the authority to grant consents and has been delegated subdivision, condominium, validations, foreclosures and powers of sale authority. The Smooth Rock Falls Planning Committee board members are:

  • Councillor Daniel Alie (Chairperson)
  • Mayor Patrick Roberts
  • Councillor Leslie Gagnon
  • Councillor Denise Pelletier

Helpful links

Useful documents

Key planning documents used by this board include:

Zoning Bylaw


Application form

Any resident of Smooth Rock can apply to have the planning bylaws changed. Print and complete the following form and send it to Veronique Dion.

Community Suggestions

We want to hear from you!

Do you have a suggestion on how to make Smooth Rock Falls an even greater place to live? What can be improved in our community? Fill out this interactive form and it will be submitted for potential review at an upcoming council meeting.