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Watermain Break at Second and Third Avenue

Thank you for your understanding.
March 6, 2024

Corporation of the Town of Smooth Rock Falls

Attention Residents

Please be advised OCWA and Public Works are currently working on redirecting water flow paths due to a watermain break in the area between Second and Third Avenue. This is necessary in order to mitigate further disruption of water services to the rest of the town. There may be instances where water may appear yellow to rust coloured. Should this occur, residents are asked to run the COLD water tap preferably closest to the source of entry into your home (usually a basement sink) until the water runs clear. Low pressure may also be experienced during peak demand.

Planning and coordination is currently underway to complete repairs to the watermain, however repairs may be delayed due to the complexity of the situation.

Impacted residents within the vicinity of the watermain break have been notified.

Thank you for your patience while Public Works completes the repair.

Should you have any concerns or questions, please call the Town Hall @ 705-338-2717, and after hours, please call the After Hours Hotline @ 1-866 650-5953


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